Prover Pricing

Prover is charged per user on an annual subscription basis.

There are two options with Prover:

  • Prover with Sales
  • Prover without Sales

Both are fully featured versions of Prover, the only difference being whether you need sales data or not. The price of Prover depends on the number of people in your office, so please call us on 0800 145 554 for a quote and a free trial.

Prover also gives you the option to order documents (Certificate of Title, Instruments, etc.) from LINZ via our document ordering portal. While it’s free to view the title data, if you choose to order a document from LINZ there is a small charge. Document ordering prices are listed below.

Document Ordering

Take a look at our guide on how to view and order legal documents within Prover by clicking here.

Survey Plans

Prover provides FREE access to the pre-300,000 series Survey Plans and over 113,000 additional Survey Plan images, which include post-300,000 series plans and many pre-300,000 series plans that have been rescanned in colour, or rescanned after the plan has been updated by LINZ. We are continually adding to this database as plans become available to us
All other survey plans are $7.80 – $9.48 each.

Other Documents

The below pricing covers other types of document that can be ordered from LINZ’s Land OnLine system via Prover, which includes Certificate of Title, Instruments, Historic Titles, Guaranteed Search Titles, etc. If you wish order a document that is not available from LINZ’s electronic document store, you can request this directly from LINZ (we will provide you with the forms to fill in), or we can order this for you at a $35 charge. All other documents are charged at the below rates.

For customers wanting to order documents on a prepay basis, you can top up your Prover document ordering account via a credit card and order documents without any monthly commitment for $9.48. Alternatively, if you would prefer to be invoiced at the end of the month for your document ordering, and are willing to commit to a minimum number of document purchases each month, you can gain access to our corporate pricing:

Corporate 50: Minimum purchase of 7 documents per month, documents are charged at $9.48 each.
Corporate 150: Minimum purchase of 24 documents per month, documents are charged at $7.80 each.

❗ Note: All prices listed exclude GST.